Organska poljoprivreda

Harvesting Cacao

уторак, 2. мај 2017.

Činčile (Breeding chinchillas)

Uzgoj činčila poslednjih godina postaje sve interesantniji. Činčile se uzgajaju zbog krzna koje je veoma cenjeno i traženo. Postojbina činčila su Kordiljeri u Južnoj Americi.Činčile su glodari iz familije miševa krznara i noćne su životinje.Podsećaju na veverice, pogotovo zbog kitnjastog repa. Krzno im je najčešće svetlo do tamno sive boje, po trbuhu belo. Uzgojene su takođe i crne i bezbojne činčile. One su pogodne za uzgoj jer su mirne životinje bez neprijatnog mirisa. Prostor za uzgoj činčila mora biti potpuno suv i zatvoren. Potrebno je imati prostoriju za rasplod i poseban prostor za uzgoj mladih.Činčile su poligamne životinje, zato se ne uzgajaju u parovima, već svaka ženka mora imati zaseban kavez veličine 40 x 40 x 50 cm koji se slažu u redove. Mužjaku treba napraviti hodnik, u pozadini kaveza u kojima su smeštene ženke kako bi ih mogao posećivati stalno. Jedno leglo (porodicu ili familiju) Podloge na kojima se činčile uzgajaju su od hoblovane jelove piljevine koje se postave na žičanu podlogu kaveza, a potrebno ih je svakodnevno menjati. Na svakom kavezu mora biti kupatilo, hranilica i pojilica. Najvažniji faktor pri uzgoju činčila je ventilacija koja se postavlja na tavanicu i na nosače kaveza tj. ispod njih. Moraju imati mogućnost da se svaki dan kupaju u specijalnom pesku jer se tako čisti i razmašćuje krzno. Ako toga nema krzno je bez vrednosti. Pesak ne sme biti pomešan s izmetom ili urinom. Preporučljivo je jednom nedeljno davati komadić jabuke i dobro seno koje mora biti potpuno suvo, ne sme biti plesnjivo ili zaraženo.

Chinchilla breeding in recent years is becoming more and more interesting. Chinchillas are bred for their fur, which is very appreciated and requested. Homeland chinchillas are Cordillera in South America.Chinchillas rodents from the family furrier and mice are nocturnal animals.Are reminiscent of  squirrel, especially because of the ornate tail. Fur is usually light to dark gray, white belly. Grown are also black and colorless chinchillas. They are suitable for breeding because they are peaceful animals without unpleasant odor. Space breeding chinchillas should be completely dry and closed. It is necessary to have a room for breeding and a special area for growing young. are polygamous animals, so do not grow in pairs, but each female must have a separate cage measuring 40 x 40 x 50 cm, which are stacked in rows. Male to do the hall, behind the cage in which females are placed so that they could visit all the time. A litter (family or a family of) substrates on which are grown from chinchillas hoblovan fir sawdust, which are placed on the wire surface of the cage, and these should be changed daily. In each cage must be a bathroom, feeders and drinkers. The most important factor in breeding mink is air that is mounted on the ceiling of the cage and on the supports, ie. below them. Must be able to swim every day in special sand because it cleans and removes fat fur. Without this, the fur is without value. The sand must not be mixed with feces or urine. It is recommended once a week to give a piece of apple and a good hay that must be completely dry, should not be moldy or infected.

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