Svake godine primećujemo izrovane gomile na površini
zemljišta. Te gomile su znak da imamo malog gosta, krticu Talpa europaea, u
našim baštama, voćnjacima,
cvetnjacima i travnjacima.
Najčešće je srećemo u listopadnim šumama, livadama,
njivama, voćnjacima, odnosno
svuda gde je zemljište rastresito. Ne zadržava se u močvarnim i peskovitim zemljištima.
Aktivna je tokom čitave godine. Živi
samotnjačkim životom, osim u
periodu parenja (od februara do juna, što zavisi od vremenskih prilika). Ako se
dve krtice sretnu u tunelu nastaje nemilosrdna borba. U našim uslovima krtice
se pare samo jednom godišnje i daju 2-4 potomka. Prosečno živi oko 3 godine, a može da
doživi i 10.
Korisna je životinja, ali joj se zbog sličnosti tunela i krtičnjaka, neopravdano, pripisuju štete koje prave drugi stanovnici
zemljišta (voluharice, miševi, drugi sitni glodari, rovci). Hrani se različitim insektima, puževima, glistama, čak i miševima, žabama. Ima izuzetan
apetit i stalno je u potrazi za hranom. Živi ispod površine zemljišta, 2-20 cm,
u tunelima koje sama kopa. Prečnik tunela je 3,5-5
cm i oni čine splet koji krtica
stalno obilazi u potrazi za hranom. Ima radijus delovanja oko 400 m². U toku 1
sata ona može da iskopa 15 m tunela.
Every year we see rutted mounds on the soil surface. These
mounds are a sign that we have a little thick, mole Talpa europaea, in our
gardens, orchards, cvetnjacima and lawns.
It is usually encountered in deciduous forests, meadows,
fields, orchards, or wherever the land is loose. No reserves in wetlands and
sandy soils. It is active throughout the year. He lives solitary life, except
during mating season (from February to June, depending on weather conditions).
If the two meet in a mole tunnel formed relentless struggle. In our conditions
moles mate only once a year and give 2-4 offspring. Average live about 3 years,
and can experience the 10th
Useful animals, but because of her resemblance tunnels and
molehill unjustifiably attributed to the damage made by the other inhabitants
of the land (voles, mice, other small rodents, Rovci). It feeds on a variety of
insects, snails, earthworms and even mice, frogs. It has a remarkable appetite
and is constantly in search of food. Live below the soil surface, 2-20 cm, in
tunnels, which itself digs. Diameter of the tunnel is 3.5-5 cm and they make
the web a mole who constantly goes around looking for food. It has a radius of
operation of around 400 m². In the course of 1 hour, it may be 15 m of the
excavation of the tunnel.
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