Organska poljoprivreda

Harvesting Cacao

уторак, 21. март 2017.

Zajedno možemo više i bolje (Together we can do more and better)

Zadruge su nam danas potrebne radi zaustavljanja daljeg pada poljoprivredne производње. Rešenje za opstanak malih gazdinstava, rešenje za opstanak i oživljavanje sela, rešenje za opstanak poljoprivrede nalazi se u udruživanju poljoprivrednih proizvođača i osnivanju zadruga. Treba vratiti promet poljoprivrednih proizvoda u regularne, zakonski ispravne trgovinske tokove. Uzrok svih ovih nedaća je nepostojanje kvalitenih zadruga, jer samo udruženi poljoprivrednici će imati racionalno ponašanje u производњи. Zapošljavanjem visoko-stručnih kadrova i ostale radne snage u selima rešio bi se još jedan gorući problem u našoj zemlji, a to je pitanje nezaposlenosti. Zadruge bi tako postale ponovo nosilac sveukupnog napretka naše poljoprivrede i sela.

Cooperatives are today, we need to stop the further decline in agricultural production. The solution for the survival of small farms, a solution for the survival and revival of the village, the solution for the survival of agriculture is the association of agricultural producers and the establishment of cooperatives. Need to restore agricultural products in regular, legally correct trade flows. The cause of all these troubles is the lack of quality of cooperatives, because only together farmers will have a rational behavior in production. Employing highly-qualified staff and other workforce in the villages decided to take another burning issue in our country, and that is the issue of unemployment. Cooperatives could become so again holder of the overall progress of our agriculture and villages

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